Friday, May 24, 2019

Sheep Dog and Sheep Sheep

Title: Sheep Dog and Sheep Sheep                        

Author/Illustrator: Eric Barclay
Publisher: Harper Collins, 2019
Intended Ages: 4-8
Themes: Friendship, Humor, Identity

Opening Line(s):
"This is Sheep. She loves to dance."
Synopsis: A young sheep thinks she is an expert on watching sheep, and shares her knowledge with the sheep dog to help him do his job.

What I like about this book: When I was growing up, my family had a small flock of eleven sheep. And they do have personalities! This book highlights the main characters' disparate personalities, and ends with a heart-warming surprise. The illustrations paint bucolic scenes that highlight the humor as dangers are narrowly averted. The chubby, ambulatory upright sheep almost looks like a child in sheep's clothing, intensifying sheep's carefree child-like relationship with the adult-like even-tempered dog.

  •  Make your own Sheep sheep. For preschoolers - All kids network has a fun craft.
  •  For older children, Red Ted Art has cute sheep crafts. Who knew you could make a rock look like a sheep?!
  • Talk about different jobs and what tools you need to do them. Do you need to look a certain way? Why or why not?
  • Visit a petting zoo or farm and visit real sheep
  • Read other sheep books like Woolbur by Leslie Helakoski or Can't Sleep Without Sheep by Susanna Leonard Hill. Which book is your favorite? Which sheep would you like as a friend? 
  • Discuss other jobs dogs do
I hope you like this book as much as I did!

This review is part of PPBF (Perfect Picture Book Friday) where bloggers share great picture books. Organized and curated by author Susanna Leonard Hill, she keeps an ever-growing list of Perfect Picture Books. #PPBF